Chamoy City Limits is best known for raspas piled with towering quantities of fruit, candy and more. Fernandez said the new building has given her the ability to use a wider range of seasonal fruits and create new fruit-based syrups to expand on her already extensive raspa lineup.
Fernandez has added several new items including fresh ice creams made in flavors such as corn in a cup, mangonada, Mexican chocolate and more. Chamoy will also make custom ice cream flavors in 1-gallon batches on request. Fernandez also has expanded her brand’s wholesale line of pickled and canned products.
The Chamoy City Limits food truck is still in service, and that’s where savory things like grilled rib-eye steak tacos and waffles topped with shredded short ribs are prepared. Fernandez also will continue serving her San Antonio Chili Queen-inspired chili.